Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Passing Breeze

I like to eat, anyone who knows me knows that. Lately though I have been following in my wife’s style of cravings. Sweet followed by salty or vice versa. It seems a really little deal, but I can for an hour just debating with myself which one I want more for first.  This led to me to start thinking about how I am with other areas. Like somedays I really love to watch comedies, other days action, and thats all I want on those days. There are other times, where I have grown to like things that I did not like earlier in my life (can anyone say peas?). There are also things that I used to like but no longer like such as Simpsons, great when I was a child, not so great now. I changed.  
I found this funny when I think that I am only on the younger side of my 30’s and I have changed my mind that much. It makes me thankful that I serve a God who is slow to act. He is steadfast and strong. He is faithful. Today, I found a verse that spoke to how we are compared to God. “He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that do not return.” Psalm 78:39.  Our whims and desires can change in a minute. How great is it that we have a God who does not change? Could you imagine a God who changed? If he promised peace one minute and cried for war the next? It almost sound like the myths of old. Yet, we know our Lord is merciful, and is faithful to us. Please take time today to think of how the Lord has be faithful in your life, and praise him for his faithfulness.

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