I ask who is Jesus, because our response to him in our life is dependent on who we claim him to be. If he is just a buddy or casual in our life then we don’t really need to care how we respond to him. However, if we understand who he is, not just our friend, comforter, and personal assistant, but who he really is, I guarantee, our response would be radically different. Colossians 1:15-20 gives a wonderful description of who Christ is. He is the image of God, the first born of creation, the creator, the redeemer, and the head. Think about that, the Creator, the person who made us, came down and redeemed us. He paid for us, he rescued us from ourselves. He gave up all the comforts of Heaven to come down to Earth for us. Think about that like this, look around your house, the heat/ac, electricity, indoor plumbing, groceries, etc. Now, image that you are to give it all up and go live in a desolate place, no plumbing, no electricity, all the comforts are gone and you have to stay like this for thirty-three years. That is what Christ essentially did for us. He did so out of love for us.
Again I ask you, who is Jesus to you? I urge you if for you he is just a novelty, that you take time to get to know him. I gave you the passage above to start with, after that ready the book of John, get to know who this Christ is. I promise again, it will change your life.
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