Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Warnings from Paul.

Those Corinthians, they seem to be so foolish, needing Paul to come to them three times, with charges of open sin. Now we are not talking little white lie sin, we are talking,  worshiping pagan gods, sexual immorality, and lawsuits. The Corinthians never seemed to get the picture. Paul came to them twice and gave warning, and punishment. He gives fair warning that he is coming again in 1 Corinthians 13:2. Yet Paul was not trying to punish the Corinthians out of anger, or revenge. No, he wanted them to grow, in Christ and faith. His warnings are serving to let people know, examine yourself before I come. Now the letters to Corinth end at this point, but looking at past history, it could be easy to say they didn’t change.  It is also real easy to sit back and point fingers and say that they were so foolish, they had Paul to teach them. 
It would be easy to read Paul’s warning, and just continue on. After all, we live in the time of Grace. In Christ there is no condemnation. However, if that is the case, if there is no need for warning, then why did Paul give a warning? What was the purpose. Perhaps it is because we were created and saved for a reason. Paul tells, us that we were in darkness and therefore useless to the Lord (Eph 5:1-11). That is why in Colossians 3 we are to to take off the old self, and put on the new self. We are to act as Christ would have us to act. The reason for this is simple, we are no longer in sin, flesh, or world. But instead we are a new creation, paid for, by the blood of Christ. We shame him, when we live a life for self, and yet try to claim it for him. Now, it does not mean that we get extra blessings or punishment based on behavior. Instead it means that when we do what God want to us to do, we know that he is there with us in all things and we can trust and rely on him. However, if we know we are walking in darkness than God is not with us, and trouble will eventually find us. 
That is why Paul is giving us warnings. We know the truth but often want go our own way.  But we have been warned. We can choose what we do in our lives, and what kind of witness we produce. But there are always consequences to our actions. It is time now fur us to be like the Corinthians and examine ourselves. Who are we living for? Can others see Christ in us, or have we jumped on the sin wagon and enjoying the ride? Only you can answer that question.

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