Jesus said I am... several time throughout the book of John. Most people can think of verses like John 14:6 or 8:12 but they never really think about what Jesus is saying. In these I am statements Jesus is showing who he is and what his purpose is. John contains 15 I am statements but for times sake, we are going to just look at three of them.
First Jesus said, “I am the light of the world...”(John 8:12). Many times we equate this as how we are to be light, and we are a reflection of Jesus. However, the meaning runs much deeper. When Jesus speaks he is saying follow him and he will lead us. When the religious leaders of his time heard this, they would have immediately thought of the the exodus. During the exodus God led the Israelites by cloud during the day and a pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21-22). Jesus claim to be a light leading out of darkness is a claim that Jesus is God.
The second I am statement is “I am the good shepherd” (John 10:11). This statement is not only a teaching of Jesus but also another direct reference to Jesus’ claim that he was God. This is a claim based on the writing of Ezekiel. God told Ezekiel that the shepherds (leaders) had ignored the sheep (people) and made themselves fat. Therefore, God said that he would take care of the sheep (Ezekiel 34). So when Jesus equates himself as the good shepherd he affirms his deity.
Finally, Jesus said “I am the true vine” (John 15). The idea of the vine or vineyard runs throughout scripture. Psalm 80:5, Isaiah 5, and Matthew 21 all contain teaching about God planting the vine or vineyard. How it was supposed to grow, but instead grew wild. Jesus’ assertion that he was the true vine shows that he is the one living out God’s will, and that when we remain in him, we are part of the vine living out God’s will.
I urge that you join me in remembering who Jesus is as we celebrate his birth and life this time of the year.