Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What About Love?

Recently, I watched a documentary about the Church and the Culture wars of America, called Lord Save Us From Your Followers. One of the things I found interesting was the idea of having a civilized conversation about Jesus and faith. All to often our conversations are anything but civilized. In America, faith almost seems to be denominationally driven.  We seem so focused on making sure that we are right and any other Christian is wrong. We often reduce complex issues down to a simple bumper sticker slogan. Is it any wonder then that non believers look at the Church they no longer see Christ? 

Is this Church that the Bible envisioned? What should the church look like? Paul tells that we are to be ambassadors of Christ in 2 Corinthians 5:19. So what does that mean. Webster defines it  either an official envoy or representative for diplomatic purposes. This means that we are to reach out peacefully to non-christians and to each other. That is the message that has been lost in America. It is time we realize that God created all people. He loves his creation. He sent his son for “WHOEVER” believes.

 So how do we show this love? It is time we welcome people as they are. Do they drink? Welcome them. Are they homeless? Welcome them. Are they Divorced?Welcome them. If you are a Baptist, welcome the Methodist. Are you a Protestant welcome the Catholic. We are all part of the Body of Christ, each a vital and important part. We all look to Christ as the head. If the church today would do that, just imagine How the Spirit could work.

Instead, We seem to focus only on the hate, the differences. That needs to stop. How can we judge a world that does not know Christ by the same standard we judge ourselves? How can we judge our brothers and sisters in Christ? We may seek the spirit of Church, but when did we become the judges? I ask that you join myself and countless others who are trying to welcome all with love that Christ gave us.